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Jesus is Packin!
Recently a crazy person shot up several people in Colorado with some unique sub-texts. While that event itself not very unique, if there is anything the earth is not short of its people shooting other people. What is a little unique about this shooting is that the gunman apparently targeted good Samaritan's and church worshipers. Well perhaps the targeting of religious worshipers isn't really that unique in this modern age of global holy war. This is what I find the most interesting about this story. Now I know many of you that know me probably think that the next sentence is going to be something to the effect of... "Why didn't Jesus himself come down from the heavens and defend his worshipers personally with a gatling gun of justice?" But no that's not it either. What I find most interesting about this is that the conclusion of this crazy persons rampage came in the form of a bullet discharged from the weapon of an armed guard at the church. Really? I'm not even sure what question to ask or position to take. Now I haven't actually been to a church in many years, mostly due to a strong fear I have that the moment I step through its threshold my skin will instantly burst into flames. Regardless, is this common? are armed guards in church's a normal occurrence? It just seems to go against the fundamental morality and principles of religion. I mean I suppose it was good someone was there packin heat and had the stones to let the hammer down but still this just doesn't seem like the type of cowboy the good book would condone minding the fence. It could be just one of those "middle state" bizarre interpretations of the scripture that seem to support turning a blind eye to violence as long is it done for the "greater Christian good". However either way something just doesn't seem to sit right about it.
I'd love to see a church/gun pie chart with facts and figures regarding how many churches have armed guards. Perhaps a boolean chart that has all that info overlaid with the major denominations too!
did you read the whole story? oh wait you work for Gyro ...
the security guard came about only after knowing that a church not too far from them was attacked, only then was it agreed to have a member of the church be a security guard
Ha, only one half of Scoshua is a Gyrite.
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